Above and right : EveryQueer organizes trips to Argentina and Egypt .
timate LGBTQ Castro District Walking Tour in San Francisco pays tribute at the Pink Triangle Memorial to the LGBTQIA + lives lost during fascist Europe ; highlights the instrumental role Twin Peaks Tavern played in cementing the Castro as an LGBTQIA + district ; and includes a visit to Harvey Milk ’ s old camera shop and campaign headquarters .
LGBTQIA + CRUISES If your clients are looking to hit the waves , here are a few resources to be aware of , too .
• Olivia Travel offers lesbian cruises that foster an inclusive environment for women-loving women . Cruises feature activities , wellness offerings , entertainment , speaker series , parties and workshops tailored to the interests of diverse passengers .
• Atlantis Events hosts all-gay and all-lesbian charters with LGBTQIA + -focused entertainment , activities and parties on luxury cruise lines , such as on a cruise from Athens to Venice .
• The luxurious Uniworld Boutique River Cruises , an IGLTA member , has tapped LGBTQIA + tourism leaders , such as gay and lesbian travel veterans Gregg Kaminsky and Kelli Carpenter , to ensure queer guests feel welcome and safe onboard its ships . The brand has been partnering with LGBTQIA + industry leaders for five years and hosts annual LGBTQIA + sailings in Europe on the Out ! On the Rivers limited-edition sailings . Special programming includes LGBTQIA + performers , dance parties and themed events . Uniworld ’ s staff receives sensitivity training to ensure personalized service is delivered to the community .
• GaySail and OUTbound also specialize in LGBTQIA + cruises .
• VACAYA is a large-scale , LGBTQIA + group travel operator offering cruises . “ It ’ s incredible to see queer folks take over a 3,000-passenger cruise ship for a week ,” Dalessandro said . “ VACAYA brings in LGBTQIA + team members , queer entertainers and community-centered programming , such as a one-woman show in the theater .” Roth also loves VA- CAYA , noting that they ’ ve experienced how the company understands the needs and wants of queer travelers . “ It has the party element , the tourist element . VACAYA celebrates women , kinks within the Queer community and sober events ,” he said .
Whether your LGBTQIA + clients are looking to join a group trip for a day tour , a leisurely vacation or an educational adventure , many options offer queer travelers safe and immersive experiences around the globe . As the market expands and more companies launch LGBTQIA + group tours , the world continues to open for queer folks who want to explore the planet in groups with like-minded passengers .
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