COURTESY OF EVERYQUEER tour run by an operator experienced with LGBTQIA + clients can take the fear out of visiting destinations that might seem daunting if you ’ re a solo queer traveler ,” said John Tanzella , president and CEO of IGLTA .
Travel companies that offer such group tours should have ongoing training programs for guides to ensure they ’ re well-versed in the community ’ s sensitivities , which will help create a safe group tour environment for LGBTQIA + travelers .
• Create itineraries and tips that make LGBTQIA + travelers feel included , safe , and informed ;
• Encourage everyone to share pronouns at the beginning of the tour to avoid misgendering ;
• Ensure there ’ s access to gender-neutral bathrooms throughout the tour ;
• And work with guides and suppliers that include members of the LGBTQIA + community or have been vetted in advance for their allyship .”
ENSURING REPRESENTATION Though safety is a critical first step to planning a successful group trip , ensuring LGBTQIA + representation throughout is
A wine tasting with EveryQueer .
crucial to ensure an authentic experience .
Tanzella has been impressed with the commitment to DEI shown by the Travel Corporation — an IGLTA global partner — because it hires LGBTQIA + ambassadors for its Contiki brand to represent them . The social travel company appointed activist Aisha Shaibu-Lenoir as the 2023 LGBTQIA + Ambassador to help it stay attuned to the needs and desires of LGBTQIA + travelers . Shaibu-Lenoir provides valuable insights , collaborates with Contiki on product development and represents the interests of LGBTQIA + travelers in trip activities .
“ When big tour companies hire LGBTQIA + ambassadors , it addresses the crucial need for representation and visibility within the travel industry ,” said lesbian travel expert Christine Diaz . “ By having diverse LGBTQIA + ambassadors , these companies show they value all of the intersections of the LGBTQIA + community . This representation fosters trust and relatability , allowing LGBTQIA + travelers to see themselves reflected in the ambassadors and to feel confident that their needs , concerns and interests will be understood and respected .”
Her partner , Kristie Pike , added , “ LGBTQIA + group trips provide unique opportunities to explore new destinations while connecting with like-minded people who share similar identities and experiences . These trips are so special because they give us a sense of belonging , acceptance and are a celebration of diversity .”
Ideally , the tours would be led by com-
Four ways to stay informed about the LGBTQIA + community to ensure safe , personalized trips .
Book tours with companies that are a part of the vetted IGLTA member network . IGLTA . org has travel and safety guides and lists of upcoming LGBTQIA + tours .
Attend the annual IGLTA Global Convention to network with hundreds of LGBTQIA + tourism businesses . It ’ s the largest and longest-running LGBTQIA + tourism conference .
Attend the annual PROUD Experiences conference exclusively for LGBTQIA + travel to network with more than 100 travel suppliers ( hotels , tour operators , tourism boards , etc .) from 40 countries , all of whom have set LGBTQIA + policies and training and shown dedication to ensuring LGBTQIA + travelers have a safe vacation .
Consult with queer travel influencers such as Freddy Rodriguez of Blue Perk and Courtney Vondran of Courtney the Explorer about what to look for when booking LGBTQIA + clients on group tours . Jacobs recommends reading personal experiences shared by LGBTQIA + travelers on Autostraddle and TAGG . “ These sources provide insights into LGBTQIA + -friendly destinations , accommodations and activities ,” she said .
munity members as well . Tanzella noted that engaging LGBTQIA + guides is one way tour operators can create connections to the local community .
“ If a queer group tour doesn ’ t have someone in the community leading , then it runs the risk of being inauthentic ,” queer travel influencer Ravi Roth said . Pike agreed , noting that , “ It ’ s important to have trusted community tour leaders on LGBTQIA + group tours because it creates a foundation of trust and understanding from the start of the trip as the travelers will feel comfortable bringing any concerns to the group leader .”
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