Rose Gray , business relationship director for Fox World Travel , shares her story and tips as a group specialist .
TV Host , Podcaster , Business Relationship Director … Rose Gray wears many hats . But before she established her longstanding career at Fox World Travel , her professional journey began as many of ours do : on an uncertain career path , searching for her passion .
“ I actually have a degree in , believe it or not , elementary education ,” said Gray . “ I taught school for 7th and 8th-grade science and math for a couple of years before I realized I made a bad career choice .” One move to Colorado and some odd jobs later , travel was at the top of Gray ’ s radar . “ From that point on I just was thinking , ‘ How can I parley my love of travel into a career ?’” It wasn ’ t long after she walked into her local travel agency and said , “ I ’ d be really good at this . You should hire me .” And shockingly , Gray said , they did .
Now , over 35 years and many adventures later , Gray specializes in groups . It ’ s her perfect fit .
ROSE , WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO ? While Gray adores her role today , she met the early days with hesitation . “ In 2009 , my thenboss said , ‘ I think you should take a WTMJ listener trip to Alaska ,’” said Gray . “ And I said , ‘ I think that ’ s a horrible idea because I want to take a listener trip , but I don ’ t want to go to Alaska .’” Her boss retorted , “ I beg your pardon ? I wasn ’ t really asking you . I was telling you you ’ re taking a WTMJ listener trip to Alaska .” While she accepted her fate , Gray still hadn ’ t warmed up to The Great North . “( My co-worker ) literally had to drag me on the plane Inset : Rose Gray ; Above : Rose and a group of travelers set sail on an adventure in Antarctica .
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