and supplier service disruptions , and there ’ s no doubt travel pros have endured a bumpy ride .
“ Congress has the power to address some of these challenges and help these small businesses take full advantage of travel ’ s post- COVID rebound ,” said ASTA in a June 2023 press release . “ This is especially true with regard to the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization legislation , as travel advisors are considered ‘ ticket agents ’ under federal statute and regulated by the Department of Transportation along with other aviation industry stakeholders .”
FUNDING THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF COMMERCE FOR TRAVEL AND TOURISM In late 2022 , Congress passed the Visit America Act , new legislation that will work to establish an Assistant Secretary of Travel and Tourism position within the U . S . Department of Commerce . The new role will work to grow domestic travel by collaborating with federal agencies to determine national strategies and policies . “ The U . S . is the only G20 country without a federal agency or cabinet-level official in charge of tourism policy and establishing an Assistant Secretary will put the U . S . on par with its top competitors and provide a senior official to work with our partners across the world on travel issues ,” said ASTA in the same June 2023 press release .
While the Visit America Act authorized the new position , funding is still up in the air . ASTA urged lawmakers to dedicate $ 3.5 million toward the office of the new Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Travel and Tourism , a notion that was seconded by the Biden Administration in its Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations request earlier this year .
ASTA cited the country ’ s lack of a highlevel leader in travel and tourism as one of the major pain points for travelers and the industry over the past few years . “ Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic , government restrictions on guidance against travel issued by an array of federal agencies highlighted the scattered nature of federal oversight of the travel industry ,” said ASTA .
Discussing priority policies with lawmakers .
Attendees smile for the camera .
ASTA Legislative Day 2023 .
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