When I first learned that I would be doing a computer course I thought to myself , “ what computer have to do with an education course ”? On the first day of class Mr Morton said that we were going to have fun throughout the course and I did indeed had fun . Doing this course has proven that adding technology within the learning process can make learning fun and an easy way for the teacher to keep records .
Doing spreadsheets in Microsoft excel was not something new to me . However , when it came to formulating the cells that was something new and gave a little trouble before I got the hang of it . I enjoyed doing PowerPoint even though it was not totally new to me . Using moviemaker was something that was totally new to me . After Mr Morton talked us through editing a photo , adding video and how to add descriptions to go along with it , I was very excited . Not forget when we did our quiz on Kahoot .
Within these pages are samples of some of the things that we did throughout this course . 4