C For Children And R for Rights: Creative Illustrated Stories C For Children And R for Rights: Creative Illustra | Page 19

LOLA THE PRINCESS (Art. 8) Once upon a time in a very distant country, there was a king who was called Sesil and a queen called Elsa. They were very good kings and everyone loved them a lot because they were just. One day, the queen gave birth to a very ugly girl who they called Lola. The kings, although the girl was very ugly, were very happy and decided that when she turned 18 she could rule the kingdom alone if she wanted to. The whole kingdom became very happy except for the queen's brother (called Armando) who would not beving because of the girl and his servant and slave, called No. One night he sneaked into the girl's room and when he was about to kidnap him, some guards entered to stop him but he managed to escape. The frightened kings sent a letter to some of their Chinese friends asking them to come to the castle. When they arrived, the kings spoke with them. Chin my brother almost kidnapped our daughte rand we want her to stay with you until’s he turns 18, said the queen because they were very friendly Chin and Chan accepted and took to Lola without anybody noticing. Time went on and Lola grew in China with Chin and Chan. She knew that her parents were the kings of the kingdom very far and that, when she turned 18, she would return to her palace and she would become a queen. Sometimes he sent letters to his parents who loved her so much, even if they were not by her side. Chin and Chan raised her wisely and the girl reached the age of 17 knowing seven different languages, 4 martial arts and being the first of her class. Meanwhile in the palace the parents of Lola were busy preparing the party for their daughter. The queen's counselor was called Benito and went to ask the queen to raise her salary for the tenth time.Angry, she turned to Benito and started screaming. He ran out of the room and locked himself in his room. He was already tired! They always shouted to him, but they would never do it again! For a week, Armando had met with him secretly and promised him a land if he told him where he could find the princess. He had emphatically denied, but now... maybe if he had proptenty of the middle of the kingdom,no one would ever scream at him, he would have power! He quickly picked up a parchment directed at Armando where he wrote all the information, where the girl, which was her name, the name of the "parents", absolutely everything he remembered of all the letters he had written on behalf of the queen and the king were in that parchment. He went to the nearest post office and returned to the palace as