Bất động sản Việt Nam Bat dong san VN | Page 14

HCMC OFFICE MARKET Market Outlook in 2007: 9 Limited grade A office space still remains. 9 Some new supply of Grade B office space expected to come on line during 2007. Expected year of completion Supply of new grade Expected A, B & C supply buildings (sqm) 2007 27 158,798 2008 18 180,657 2009 15 187,824 9 Grade A office rental rates reflects upward momentum and growing demand vis-à-vis tight supply 2010 12 273,146 9 Vacancy rate remains low, grade A (0%) and B (<1%) TOTAL 72 800,425 9Factors driving demand: Strong economic growth, FDI growth, WTO access, new multi-national companies, expansion of existing multi-national companies, Vietnam companies upgrading, safety & quality Issues Client Logo Goes Here CB Richard Ellis | Page 14