BYM ONLINE DESK November 2019 Blessing Emagazine | Page 13

Warning Signals To Parents Most of us who fail as Christian parents, do so, not because we have deliberately chosen to fail, but because we have become careless and busy with other things; we have not seen the warning signals that should remind us that something is wrong with our child rearing. The following eighteen warning signals should be considered with openness of mind: 1.Do you have to tell your child more than once to (a) go to sleep; (b) be quiet in church; (c) stop crying; (d) ?nish a job? 2.Does your child fail to answer immediately and respectfully when you or another adult speaks to him? 3.Has your child gotten the impression that he can sometimes “get away” with disobedience? 4.Have you failed to teach your child to say, “I'm sorry. I was wrong”? 5.Do you allow your child to withdraw into a sullen and stubborn silence when he fails to get his own way? 6.Has your child failed to develop an appreciation for the rights and property of other people? 7.Is your child allowed to argue with you when you tell him what to do? 8.Is your child a habitual whiner and complainer? 9.Does your child prefer being everywhere else but at home? November 2019 | | Page 13 Rev. R. W. Eichel 10.Does your child scoff at the things you consider important? 11.Does your child rarely or never discuss with you his dreams and plans? 12.Does your teenager make all the choices about his life without regard to your values? 13.Have you become aware that your children make no significant contribution to the home either in their help with the work or in their attitude? 14.Are your teenagers pretty much allowed to follow the curfew hours the world sets for its children? 15.Do you feel you are unable to trust your child's word? 16.Does your child prefer non-Christian friends and non-church activities to the fellowship and activities of the Christian people? 17. When your child has a “run-in” with authority outside the home, are you quick to assume that the teacher, police officer, boss, etc., “has it in” for your child without cause? 18. Are your children allowed to choose their clothing without any regard to Bible standards of modesty? If you had to answer “yes” to any of these questions, ask the Lord to help you make whatever corrections are necessary.