BYM ONLINE DESK November 2016 | Page 8

kaspersky which might block the filth to a large extent .
3 ) Using Accountability Softwares like - X3watch , Covenant Eyes which will send a report to your trusted friend or Mentor regarding your browsing habits .
You need to decide what kind of abstinence steps that you need to take .
The steps that you would take will be a measure of how serious you are to come out of this problem . But you have to remember that abstinence is not deliverance from sin . But as the first step , it reduces the chances of occurrences .
Walking in the Light
As you have taken the first step of purging this habit , God the Holy Spirit will start to deal with you in a new and fresh way . This I call as the strengthening work of the Spirit . He will transform your inner being into the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ . For God the Holy Spirit to have His way in us our full-hearted cooperation is needed . This is what I mentioned in the beginning , that we need both the quickening work of the Spirit and also the strengthening work . Quickening is done instantly but strengthening is done gradually . So it requires the right choices and decisions on our part and rest will be taken care by Him . In order that you be strengthened in your spiritual life ,
1 ) You need to start studying the Word of God and spend time in prayer . Ask God to speak to you and note it down . Start a life of loving fellowship with the Creator God who loves you more than your father or mother or anybody else in this world .
2 ) You have to enroll in a small group or prayer cell for your spiritual growth . It is in small groups you will find support and strength . If you don ' t have one , initiate a small group ( We can help you , if you want ).
3 ) You need to be actively involved in some kind of ministry in your Church or with your small group . It may be becoming a member in the choir , or cleaning the chairs , or taking a class for the Children or participating in an Outreach program . Do something for God .
4 ) You need to find out your hidden talents and start nurturing them . God has given talents and gifts to everyone . It is our duty to find out and nurture them .
5 ) Exercise regularly . Try something new . Have a brisk day . This will help you to divert your energies towards more constructive things .
As you take these counsels , and move ahead , I pray that God will strengthen you with all His might and bring the devil under your feet .
Relapse and Recovery
Even after you have been delivered from this sin , there is a chance to fall back into the temptation once again . At this stage , you might feel that you are sinking very deep again . This might be worse than the previous stage . And it might happen even after many years after deliverance . But , you must not forget about the fact that God still loves you and you need to get back . Keep coming back and start over again . Confess your sins and get back to the recovery stage . God will strengthen you .
“ I am sure of this , that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ ” ( Phil 1:6 ).
hope4umail @ gmail . com Mobile : 7358310548
( Taken from missionary Jason ' s book , “ Know to Say No ”)
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