BYM ONLINE DESK Nov 2018 Blessing English Emagazine | Page 5 | November 2018
Scriptures a wee bit to suit their purpose.
Why Truth?: Why should we worry so much
about truth? Is it not enough if we just read the Bible,
listen to church sermons and go about our duty? Let's
see four things -
1. The truth, that is the word of God has a
sanctifying effect (Jn 17:17; 2 Thess 2:13). When a
person sincerely studies the word of God and walks by
it, without his knowledge, he is being cleansed. His
conscience is sharpened. He learns to hate evil and
love righteousness.
2. Make no mistake. If you insist on walking the
path of lie, you will face a fiery judgment. And who
will be the judge? The truth that Jesus taught us (Psa
96:13; Jn 12:47,48). Let us not deceive ourselves with
the leather bound word of God in our hands with a
gold gilt too! If we refuse to love the truth that saves us
and delight in wickedness we will be condemned (2
Thess 2:12; Rom 2:8).
3. The protective power of truth cannot be
underestimated. “His truth shall be your shield and
buckler” (Psa 91:4). A person who walks in the light of
the truth is safe.
4. Truth gladdens the heart. The Apostle John
was excited to hear that some of the chosen lady's
children were walking in truth (2 Jn 4). He had a dear
friend by name Gaius. Believers who met Gaius came
back and informed John about him. John was so
ecstatic that he sat down to write to Gaius, how his
heart jumped when he heard how he was faithful to the
truth and how that he continued to walk in the truth.
John says that the greatest joy for him was to know that
those he led to Christ abide in the truth (3 Jn 3,4). The
happiest people on earth are those who walk in truth!
The Sad State of Truth: What has happened to
the age old truth taught by God? Isaiah laments,
“Justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a
distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty
cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and
whoever shuns evil becomes a prey” (Isa 59:14).
Thousands of years ago truth was thrown to the dogs
and one who called a spade a spade was targeted.
“Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips,”
mourned Jeremiah (7:8). The fulfilment of Daniel's
prophecy, who saw in his vision, truth cast to the
ground is seen today (Dan 8:12). There is corruption in
every imaginable situation and malefactors go scot-
free. Perpetrators of violence are out on bail. Unethical
practices abound. Christian values and convictions are
laughing stock to a godless society. It has become a
massive spiritual problem.
We may wonder if people are ignorant about the
truth. But Paul's writing to Romans states that God has
made it plain to them. The truth is not hidden from
them. But they cover it up by their wickedness
(1:18,19). “They exchanged the truth about God for a
lie, and worshiped and served created things rather
than the Creator”
(v 25).
What Shall We Do?: Coming to the conclusion:
What are we to do about the whole situation when
things look so hopeless? Corruption abounds, liars rule
us, honesty is laughed at and truthfulness is weird. Can
we still walk head high as people of integrity, refusing
to bow down to the wickedness that surrounds us? Can
we boldly open our mouths to speak about truth and
thus attempt to bring about a transformation around
us? Or do we duck under the surface because we are the
targeted minority? Jesus Himself gave the answer:
“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you
from the Father the Spirit of truth who goes out from
the Father He will testify about Me. And you also must
testify, for you have been with Me from the beginning”
(Jn 15:26,27).
Almost overnight the disheartened disciples
morphed into bold preachers of the truth. Bad times
gave them spine, gumption and grit. The situation
cannot become any better than this. The clock is
ticking for us. If you let yourself slip, laxness will
defeat you. The Spirit of truth cannot testify without
us. We must let Him flow through us. Unless we listen
to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and act on His
behalf, He is paralyzed. Paul had the courage to speak
the truth to the Governor Festus (Acts 26:25). Why
was he a fanatic for the gospel? Because he had rightly
understood the heart of God who wants, not only us but
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