BYM ONLINE DESK May 2018 English Emagazine | Page 10

May 2018 Do not be driven by your hormones. Pray for self- control every day. Sexual awareness is not sin. Sexual thoughts become sin if you act upon them. Being active is the solution to minimize sexual thoughts. If you let loose your imagination you will be wasting your time and energy and that will push you to sex. The Bible explicitly condemns premarital sex as sin. “Flee sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body” (1 Cor 6:18). Flee means literally flee. It is a great risk to be in places, with persons where you will face sexual temptations. Do not trust your self-control. When you are alone with the opposite sex, your emotions will overrule you. So avoid being alone with a girl/boy. Always be in company to be safe. Premarital sex will destroy your body, soul and spirit. Your body: because you expose yourself to sexually transmitted diseases, some of which have no cure. Your soul: because it is sin. Your spirit: because the guilt will haunt you for life. Do not sacrifice a good testimony for a moment of pleasure. Like David, focus on God's glory, whatever you may do (v26). leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle” (v28). David was not irresponsible. He left the sheep with a caretaker. God looked at David's heart and chose him (1 Sam 16:7). But here he is charged with a wicked heart. That's the way the world will treat you. Don't be discouraged. “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31). Go ahead in life in spite of the demoralizing comments you hear. We can't choose our circumstances but we can choose how to respond to our circumstances. Here comes the obscure shepherd boy to stand before the king. “Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank” (Prov 22:29). “Well done” is heavy with meaning. How well do we do a job? Do we do it to the best of our ability? Can we improve on our work? Is my superior satisfied? Am I ready to correct myself and improve? Do I get irritated when someone shows a better way of doing it? Ponder the questions. May David's noble tribe increase. But Saul discourages David that he being a debutant was no match for the veteran Goliath (vv31- 33). Saul was wondering what the heck that guy was going to do. Youth face more disheartening, flippant comments rather than words that boost their enthusiasm. Go to only senior, seasoned, spiritual leaders for counsel who can cheer you up rather than pour cold water on your ideas. David recalled the time when he single-handedly assaulted a bear and lion and saved his sheep in the jungle. No one knew of his heroic victory until he told it to Saul. He was hoisting the flag in his private battles before he faced a public challenge. That's what made him a daredevil. R O F I N T E G David had to face the fury of his elder brother Eliab. Eliab burned with anger and shouted, “Why have you come down here? And with whom did you There are many secret areas in your life, out of sight of anyone, where you need to prove yourself. First take victory in your private battles. Outwardly you may be an excellent Christian. But your private life is in God's radar. He is keeping a close watch over you. What is hidden to the public is not hidden to *2018* |PAGE 10|