BYM ONLINE DESK July 2018 English Emagazine | Page 12
July 2018
2. Know the Real Enemy
In any persecution, we generally consider a
particular person or an organization as our enemy.
No, beloved, we should not forget that our real enemy
is the devil. He incites the individuals and the
institutions to come against the Church. Jesus taught
that we should love our enemies and pray for those
who persecute us (Matt 5:44). He Himself prayed for
His persecutors while He was on the Cross (Luk
23:34). Stephen too prayed for his persecutors when
he was about to die (Acts 7:60). The one thing we
must realize is that no one has ever prospered by
persecuting the Church of God. No one can lead a
blessed life by persecuting the Church. Neither a
generation nor a country can be blessed by
persecuting the true believers of Christ. When Saul
persecuted the Church, note what God said to him:
Acts 26:14 - ''Saul, Saul, why are you
persecuting me? It is hard for you to kick against the
Again note what Jesus said about the people
who came against Him:
Matt 21:44 - “And the one who falls on this
stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on
anyone, it will crush him.”
you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I
will give you the crown of life.”
Persecutions always perfects the Church. The
Psalmist says that he learnt God's law through
suffering (Ps 119:71). In our spiritual life, it is always
possible to put our trust on the externals buildings,
programmes, money, systems, physical body etc.,
The devil can touch these things only when God
allows. But he is totally powerless when it comes to
personal devotion to Christ, being faithful till the
death, being joyful in persecution. This was what
Jesus said:
Matt 10:28 “And do not fear those who kill the
body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who
can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Christianity is basically a heart-religion. It is
rooted in love. Hence no persecution can touch the
faith, hope and love that we have in Christ. Let us not
worry when we face some external losses, but let us
hold fast to the faith that is in Christ. In this process of
purification all the dross will fly away.
All the false believers will not stand. Let us not
worry that some might fall away. It is through the test
of persecution we discern between the true believers
and the false believers. Let us hold on to faith till
3. Know that Persecutions Perfect the
Church 4. Know that Persecutions helps us to
expand our Horizon
Rev 2:10 “Do not fear what you are about to
suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you
into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days Act 8:1 - “There arose on that day a great
persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and
they were all scattered throughout the regions of
Let us not develop bitterness or hatred towards
the persecutors. Paul was one of the persecutors of
the early church. But God touched him. He gave us
the several New Testament teachings and wrote 13 of
the NT books. Hence let us pray for the people who
persecute us. There is a great demand for Pauls in this
generation. Let us pray that God should touch the
people who persecute us and raise Pauls from
amongst them.
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