BYM ONLINE DESK January 2017 | Page 5

upon , tortured , nailed alive to the cross . Today we will not even do it to an animal . But Christ bore the pain and ignominy to bring you together . Imagine the heart-breaking scenario of the cross .
If you have a derailed relationship , that means you are disrespecting the passions of Christ , counting it as nothing . All the sufferings He went through to bring about peace are made naught by your nonchalance . Whatever may be the barrier , ask God to break it down . He who broke down the middle wall of partition will easily remove your barricade too . Hate is a useless battle ; it has to end sometime .
to mankind . We hurt God our Father disastrously by our sins against Him . God ought to have destroyed us . But He sent Jesus Christ to this wicked world to live among dirty sinners and finally sacrificed Him on the cruel cross , thus making peace . He , on His part did everything to get reconciled to us . How much more we ought to get reconciled to one another ! Is your offender worse than the sinner who hurt God ? Are you holier than God not to take a step towards reconciliation ? Is your situation worse than that , that happened between God and man ? If God condescended to make up with man , it is only stubbornness and stiff-neckedness , if we do not take steps to embrace our enemy . “... God who reconciled us to Himself through Christ ... not counting men ' s sins against them ” ( 2 Cor 5:18,19 ).
When you hold a grudge against another , remember , you are as much a sinner as the other . We all were lepers before God . There is no clean leper and unclean leper . All of us are washed by the blood of the Lamb . Then why consider the other person less than you ? He / she is your brother / sister . Go to them and iron out your differences . A careless word or action can ruin a relationship . If that happens we should immediately make amends and apologise , else it may haunt us for life .
The purpose of Jesus was to reconcile both of them to God through the cross by forgiving their sins . When both were sinners then they became equals . Only in one place we find the Jews and Samaritans living together in peacewhen they became lepers ( Lk 17:12-18 ). Yet , on the cross , by His sufferings , He brought the archenemies together that they may have access to the Father .
Reconciliation opens the door for you to have access to the Father . The door is locked otherwise . The key is in your hand !
The greatest reconciliation that took place in the history of the planet earth is God reconciling Himself
Forgiveness is not passive ; genuine forgiveness is a positive act requiring enormous spiritual strength . Reconciliation is a hop , skip and jump away from where you are sitting . Get up and go to your computer
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