BYM ONLINE DESK January 2017 | Page 2

From the Chairman ...

Praise God that He has brought us into yet another year . Every New Year brings us new opportunities and new possibilities . We hear of wars , diseases , political unrest and murders , every day . The love of many has grown cold and the society in general is experiencing a moral decay . We , as believers should not be surprised by these things . In spite of all these happenings , the message of the Good News of Christ acts like an anchor in these troubled times . Jesus told that all these things will happen during the last days ( Mat 24:12 ). But on the other hand , He has also encouraged us to become more holier and righteous ( Rev 22:11 ).
We declared the year 2016 as the ' Year of Holy Spirit Revival .' These are the days about which Joel prophesied hundreds of years back “ And it shall come to pass afterward , that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh ( Joel 2:28 ).” God has started to pour out His Spirit in a new way . We could experience a special move of the Holy Spirit in all the meetings that we organized all over the nation during the past year . We had organized ' Blesso ' for the first time in Assam . The missionaries ' visit from the north to the adopting districts in Tamil Nadu was very fruitful .
We are declaring the year 2017 as the ' Year of Reconciliation .' We should not only be right with God , but also be right with people . Many a time , revival fires are not sustained because we do not accept people as they are . The roots of bitterness and envy develop from within our hearts . These things had to be purged . Only then , we can experience true revival . Reconciliation alone can bring joy and happiness to our families and fellowships . Let us set aside days to rebuild broken relationships . And let us strive for peace . Hence , in this year we will meditate on the subject of reconciliation in our camps and the magazine .
Praise God for all that He is doing through our ministry all over the nation . There has been a phenomenal increase in the number of prayers cells ( 968 , over the last three years ) ever since the launch of the ' Bless Bharat ' project in the year 2014 . During the last year alone we could reach out to 23,718 young people and 126 worshipping groups were established in the virgin soils . We are happy to inform you that we have initiated ministry in Punjab . The ' Bless North in South ' and the ' Tent-Makers Wing ' is slowly taking shape . We are also planning a programme ' Bless My State ' to mobilize Christians in the Non-Tamil States for Missions . Both the Lay Ministerial Wing of Tamil Nadu and the Missionary Wing of the Mission have planned systematic programs all through the year . Please see the event calendar on page 9 . All Glory to Him !
I sincerely thank all the lay leaders and full time workers of the Mission for their kind cooperation . Pray that all the present leaders will be endowed with special grace and anointing to lead the Mission in the right direction . On behalf of all the leaders of the Mission and our General Overseer , Brother A . Lionel , and on my own behalf , I wish you a joyous New Year 2017 !
Yours in His Service , Mr . Dickson Daniel Moses
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