BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing February 2019 English Emagazine | Page 12

february 2019 | page 12 Candles In The Night (Testimonies of Native Missionaries) GopiBagh was born in a remote village in Odisha. He was born out of second wedlock of his mother. Even before his birth his life took a miserable turn. His mother was not even given proper food. Many times, she used to sleep with an empty stomach. One day when Gopi was still in his mother's womb, his father beat his mother and kicked her in the stomach. He left her in the jungles. Miraculously the fetus survived. Gopi's mother did not have a choice. She had no one to turn to. She returned home in spite of all this ill-treatment. She wanted the child and it was her only hope. Christ. Missionary Ponnusamy encouraged him and taught many things from the Bible and about God's ministry. He started visiting interior villages along with the other workers like HironKhosla and Dhaneshwar Jena. God attested the ministry of this humble servant by performing signs and miracles. Gopi was blessed with the gift of healing. Whenever he used to pray for the sick, they were healed. Village after village, he made inroads so that God's work was spreading like a wild fire. God honoured his labour and today there are more than ten churches established because of his ministry. Gopi was born in such a tumultuous situation. He wanted to go to school. But poverty stopped him. He grew up as a child labourer just to make a survival. He was married to a girl named Subarna Nag at a very young age. Gopi did not have peace of heart and his life seemed meaningless. So he resorted to drinking. But his mind was restless. Since he was a native worker, financial help from the Mission was minimal. But God who has called him is faithful. He did not even have a proper house to stay but through the mercies of God, he secured help from the Government Housing Scheme. God has blessed Gopi with three children. The elder son, Arun studied in the Blessing Children Home at Ramagiri and finished his Higher Secondary. He is in the God's work and is married. His daughter, Martha is also married to a God's servant. The other girl, Marium is also married. His mother who had seen the rough side of life died at the age of 80. Finally he decided to take his life. He planned to kill himself by hanging on a tree. On that very particular day, while he was going to kill himself, an old friend of him named Tularam met him on the way. He was going to a prayer meeting in a particular village. Tularam encouraged Gopi to come to that meeting. Gopi reluctantly agreed. Once they reached the village, there was a prayer meeting going on. Missionary M.C. Ponniah was sharing from God's Word. He was speaking about life, death, Heaven and Hell. These strange teachings inspired Gopi. He started to know more about Jesus Christ. Gopi accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour. He passed on from death to life. Hallelujah! Later on, his mother also accepted the Lord and they found that the life in Jesus was a blessed one. In the year 1997, Gopi decided to work for the Lord and tell his friends and relatives about the Lord Jesus Gopi still serves the Lord with minimum facilities. For him, the only job that he knew is to serve the Lord. Even now, he visits not less than three villages a day. God sometimes takes him to rare people groups because of his gifts. He also distributes tracts in the market place. He was once beaten up in a village for preaching the Gospel. But like, Paul, he moves on. “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil 1:6).