BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English May 2017 | Page 18

months. TELANGANA Praise and Pray 260 students were given pre-exam guidance in a special programme, 'Examination Tonic.' Our prayer cell member Pauline recently died of Throat Cancer. Pray for her son George who is suffering from mental illness and her aged mother. For the healing of Mariamma and Sugunamma from mental illness. 55 patients were visited in a hospital and were given Bibles, tracts and fruits. Pray that they should find the Lord. UTTAR PRADESH Praise 8 were added to His Kingdom. The hole in Nilu's heart was healed completely. Priyanka is able to walk after several years. Gulabhi and Bindu were healed from skin infection after 3 years. Ranjukumari's marriage has been arranged. Samburam was delivered from alcoholic addic