BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English Emagazine Oct 2018 | Page 2 | October 2018
Is it a Myth or a Reality?
Dr. David R. Reagan
Back in the mid-1990s, a popular radio talk
show host on an Oklahoma City secular station
interviewed me live on the air via telephone. He had
seen an article I had written about the financial
accountability of Christian ministries, and he had
liked it. He began the interview by graciously giving
me the opportunity to talk non-stop for about ten
minutes about the way God had transformed my life
and called me into the ministry. We then moved on to a
discussion of the scandals that had recently rocked the
Christian community nationwide.
The Unmentionable Word
Everything went well until the host asked me to
summarize the fundamental message of my ministry. I
responded by saying that God had called me to
proclaim “the soon return of Jesus in wrath.”
Before I could proceed with my explanation,
the announcer cut me short. “What do you mean,
'wrath'?” he asked. “I mean that Jesus is going to
return very soon to pour out the wrath of God upon
those who have rejected God's love and grace and
then added,
“I happen to be a Christian, and I can tell you
that my God wouldn't hurt a flea!”
That was the end of the interview. He hung up on
me. I was not given an opportunity to respond to his
misrepresentation of our Creator.
Satan's Grand Deception
The radio host's vehement response to the
wrath of God did not surprise me. It is characteristic of
both Christians and non-Christians, and I have
encountered it many times. Satan has sold the world a
bill of goods concerning the nature of God. Most
people, both Christian and non-Christian, tend to view
God as being a sort of Cosmic Teddy Bear. They see
Him as big and warm and soft, full of infinite love and
forgiveness. He couldn't hurt a fly, and He certainly
wouldn't be so cruel as to condemn or harm any beings
created in His own image. On the Day of Judgment,
God will simply give everyone a big hug and wink at
their sins. The only problem with this wonderfully
comforting image is that it is a lie straight from the pit
of Hell.
“Your God is a monster God!” he snapped. He