BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English Emagazine Oct 2018 | Page 12 | October 2018 D)CHURCH PLANTING The church planting ministry of BYM is concerned with planting churches in unreached places. 474 worshiping congregations are regularly functioning. We could form 82 new congregations and build nine new church buildings, eight new worship sheds and one youth counselling centre for the glory of God. 54,277 people heard the Gospel through Christmas programmes conducted in 430 different places in India. a conference call prayer initiative through mobile phones to pray for the Mission, Missionaries and Ministry. By His abundant grace the 200/400 Plan was completed successfully and is being reflected in our annual sponsorship remittances. The Bless Bharat team is praying and planning for bigger and better programmes in the days to come. During this period we could increase the missionary kids allowance by 20% on an average. We have also given one-month paid leave for all the missionaries so that they can be spiritually and physically enriched. We have also granted a special leave for the missionaries when they plan for their children's wedding along with a special financial gift. A new guest house at Vellore has been dedicated for the benefit of the missionaries by a partner and another partner has dedicated a guest room for missionaries in Chennai. Thank God for the renewed concern among the partners towards the welfare of the missionaries. STAFF TRAINING E)SOCIAL CONCERN The Mission runs various hostels and Day Care Centers to cater to the needs of the poor. The Feed Odisha Project continues to minister to the poor people in Odisha. Praise God for the first church that was dedicated after 18 years of initiating the Feed Odisha Project. The Training Department functions effectively with the goal of equipping and energizing the missionaries of BYM to work for the Lord with zeal and enthusiasm amidst odd situations. Here we give the details of the training programmes organized during this period: 1. Formal Orientation for Revival Staff (FORS), at Sitteri Hills during 11th & 12th April 2017. 15 missionaries participated. 9,897 poor people benefited through different social welfare schemes like Medical Camps, Dental Camps, Poor Feeding, Health Centre, Tuition Centre and Hostels. NEW INITIATIVES & STAFF WELFARE We recently gave emphasis to the Rural Youth Ministry in the Mission fields. We could conduct youth revival programmes for the youth in our Church Planting fields. The Hope Infinity Shelter (HIS) was dedicated for the glory of God in Jaipur, Rajasthan. BYM Online Desk, BYM Media Wing and BYM IT Team, all of which came into being in the recent years are doing their respective jobs in terms of reaching the next generation of youngsters and partners. Our messages are regularly uploaded in our YouTube channel, aired in Sathiyam TV and the recently revamped website is being clicked by partners and first time users all over the world. We have initiated MMM - 2. Church Elders Training Programme was organized during August 2017, from 17th to 19th in Shahgarh (Madhya Pradesh). 18 elders in Madhya Pradesh participated. 3. Pre-Orientation Training (POT) for Native Workers was organized in BCTC, Dhanpur from 21st to 25th August 2017. 10 native workers participated. 4. Staff Study Programme Level II was organized 12