BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English Emagazine Oct 2018 | Page 10 | October 2018 Decisions of a Spiritual Leader Will you please examine yourself, your behavior and your attitude as you go through the list below? Please spend sufficient time with your co- leaders to discuss each statement, make sure they are Biblical and then see how you can ensure these in the God-given ministry to establish His Kingdom in His ways. 1) I need to love my co-workers and strengthen my relationship with them. 2) I will take efforts to understand my co- workers. 3) I will be a role model. 4) I will accept them as they are and start helping them. 5) I will build trust by helping them know that I care. 6) I will be open-minded. 7) I know building relationship is time- consuming and costly. Yet I decide to pursue it. 8) I will help in fulfilling their calling and interest. 9) I will delegate some of my responsibilities to show that I consider them important. 10) I will be patient in my dealings. 11) I will help them to learn Kingdom values. 12) I will take interest in their family. 13) I will put myself in their shoes to understand them and their difficulties. 14) I will be transparent in all my dealings. 15) I will improve my communication with them. I will share more and try to help them understand me better. 16) I will find the goodness in them and start appreciating. 17) I will maintain equality at all cost. 18) I will pray for them and their needs regularly. I will enquire them regularly and show that I care for them and pray for them. 19) I will go, out of the way to help them in times of crisis in their lives. 20) I will spend quality time with them. 21) I will visit their homes and start talking with them about matters not pertaining to work. 22) I will allow them to express themselves freely and will listen to them patiently. - Compiled by Mr. J.J. Ratnakumar (Founder, MUT) during a discussion with the leaders of various organisations 10