BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English Emagazine March 2020 | Page 18

Bible Study Corner Study 3 Lessons from the Cross C. Sudakar, Mudalur 1. Jesus, the Messiah was crucified - Acts 2:36. 2. Our old self is crucified - Rom 6:6. 3. We should not be divided - 1 Cor 1: 13. 4. We live by God's power 2 Cor 13:4 5. The flesh with its passions and desires are crucified - Gal 5:24 6. The world has been crucified to me and I to the world Gal 6:14 7. There are no social, racial, national differences. All are reconciled in Him through the Cross Eph 2:16 8. Humility and obedience are indispensable in the way of the Cross Phil 2:8 9. Those whose minds are set on earthly things are enemies to the Cross Phil 3:18-19 10. Christ, who made peace by His blood is our only Mediator Col 1:20 11. Satan has been defeated Col 2: 14,15 12. We should not backslide Heb 6:6 13. Run your race with endurance just like Jesus Christ Heb 12:2 14. Entrust yourself to the One who judges justly 1 Pet 2:23 15. We need to die to sin and live to righteousness I Pet 2:24 16. His wounds heal us I Pet 2:24 | March 2020 | Page 18