BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English Emagazine March 2020 | Page 9

12:15). These are people who are trouble makers. Jude warns us to keep away from them. “These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds, late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots” (v12). They never bothered to be rooted in righteousness, holiness, love or Christ. So they could be easily uprooted and thrown out. Bring to mind the fig tree that Jesus cursed, withered from the root. Let us put roots of sweetness. will be glorified. The man who loves his life will refuse to fall to the ground, he will refuse to die to the world and its glories. He will lose his life. He will become rotten. Rats and worms will eat away such seeds. But the man who hates his life in this world, who is willing to fall to the ground and die will live forever and ever. If he serves Christ, he must follow Christ to the ground to die. No monument may be built for him, no streets named, no parades thrown. But the Father will honour him who serves His Son. Very few opt for such a rigorous discipline. That's why the remnant is always a little flock. May we fall to the ground and die and take root below that we may bear fruit above! Once again read John 12:20-26. Jesus was not flattered that Greeks sought an interview with Him, that His fame had crossed the boundaries of Israel. He started speaking about His death. As His death was nearing, His eyes were on His glorification. In another week He would be crucified. Instead of speaking about His sorrow and suffering, He was speaking about His glorification. Death is glory for a believer. Jesus is telling us a “truth” here. The truth is: Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it will remain a single seed. It is a truth. But many try to multiply without dying. They refuse to fall to the ground, clinging on to the world. They don't die. They think they can multiply just the way they live, without dying. It is a fantasy. There is no way to multiply without death. Only if the seed dies it can produce many seeds. Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper BLESSING Form IV (see Rule 8) 1. Place of Publication : Chennai 2. Periodicity : Monthly 3. Editor : J.D. Sapphire 21 West Coovam River Road, Chennai 600 002. 4. Publisher :V.Ashok Immanuel 21 West Coovam River Road, Chennai 600 002. : Paul Aravamudhan Bapuji Printers, 5 Kurban Ali Street, Chennai 600 002. 5. Printer 6. Owner : Blessing Ministries Church Colony Vellore 632 006 I, V.Ashok Immanuel, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. The person who does not want to fall to the ground, who does not want to die, will never experience glorification. But if he gives himself over to the will of God, to fall to the ground and die, he will put out root, give fruit, multiply and V. Ashok Immanuel Signature of Publisher March 2020 | March 2020 | Page 09