BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English E-magazine March 2018 | Page 9
March 2018
what He was doing and whether we could help Him.
Do not think that this mode of life will lead to
listless dreaming. None are so energetic, so swift, so
mighty in their holy activities as those who know that
they are on God's lines, doing their little bit in the
mighty scheme of His choosing, sure that His
accomplished plan will amply justify them, and
casting all responsibilities on His perfect wisdom.
Do not run hither and thither asking for work.
How can anyone tell you what the Master wants you
to do? We can but guess at the best. Go straight to the
Lord Jesus for yourselves. Tell Him you cannot bear
to be shut out of His glorious fellowship. Entreat
Him to indicate your place. And never rest content
until, like Peter, you turn from the vision to the task
and, in the knock of the far-travelled messengers, you
are summoned to the work which needs you.
or which He is ready to give to the opened, upturned
heart. He does not want our strength it is often a
hindrance to Him because we are so apt to rely on it to
the exclusion of Himself. He wants our weakness,
our infirmities, our nothingness “that the surpassing
power belongs to God and not to us.” (2 Cor 4:7).
Far from your consciousness of power lessness
being a barrier to your efficient work, it will be one of
the strongest elements in your success if only you are
driven to lay hold on His strength and be at peace.
“My grace is sufficient for you: for My strength is
made perfect in weakness.' Most gladly, therefore,
will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of
Christ may rest upon me” (2 Cor 12:9).
Work as Those Freshly Cleansed
If in haste we would give a draught of
refreshing water to a traveller, we take from our shelf
the first vessel which is clean. We pass over the
elegant and richly chased cup for the earthenware
mug if the latter has a cleanliness which the former
lacks. And our Lord Jesus will gladly use us for His
service though we be of but common ware, if only we
are clean and ready for use.
Work in God's Strength
No man is sent to the warfare on his own
charges, and yet many Christians argue as if that were
one of heaven's standing orders. None, however, are
ever called to a work which God does not know is
within the limits of the strength which He has given,
When asking Christians to undertake certain
branches of Christian work, one is so often met with
the excuse, “I cannot do it; I am not fitted for it. I
have no power to speak.” Such have much need to
get back to the desert and learn the significant lesson
of the rod which Moses held in his hand. He was
questioning his sufficiency to take up the work which
was being thrust upon him, but he learned that if only
a rod is cast down before God, it becomes endowed
with new powers. It can be and do what would be
impossible by nature, and through the power of God
it may become invested with such might as to carve a
way through the waves, roll back the hosts of
Amalek, and bring water from the flinty rock.
Why should not we be as that rod in the hands of
Christ? Without Him we cannot be other than broken
reeds, but in and with Him we become pillars in the
The priests must wash in the laver before they
perform the service of the Sanctuary. They must be
clean who bear the vessels of the Lord. A man must
purge himself from iniquity if he shall be “a vessel
for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the
master of the house, ready for every good work.” (2
Tim 2:21).
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