BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English E-magazine March 2018 | Page 15

March 2018
45 North Indian migrant workers heard the Good News in Kanjikode .
6500 tracts and 100 booklets were distributed by Missionary Raghu Varma in Palakkadu area .
Pray Salvation - Chippi , Ravikumar and Ajith . Open doors for Gospel in Malampuzha area .
Rajasthan Praise
Mahaveer has been delivered from 3 years of hand pain due to a Camel bite .
Christmas programme was held in 4 places in which around 3070 people participated and heard the Good News of Christ . 700 New Testament were distributed .
16 people openly confessed their faith in the Lord .
Sachin and Ashok has been healed from Dengue and Sahuni from Diabetes .
New contacts - Upender and Sonali . Sena and Kalu were delivered from evil spirit .
13 participated in a Couples Meet held in Jaipur . Mrs . & Mr . George shared the word of God .
Pray Mathura , Darba and Sunitha to have children .
Healing - Bhuri ( Tumour in stomach ); Titu ( Swelling in body ); Chaghan ( Mental Illness ); Subash ( Skin allergy ); Nathi , Vimala , Krishna and Mahaveer ( Breathing problem ).
Nehru , Nathu and Valji to grow in Christ .
Bhagadur , Ramlal , Moolchand , Asish , Pooja , Manju , Manish , Suman , Manoj and Surender to get a job .
For the 8 hope cell leaders to grow in their spiritual life .
Madhya pradesh Praise
60 were blessed in a Bible study at Chhatrapur . Missionary Saravanan was the resource person .
Kunti had Uterus problem for two years . She is healed completely now .
Christmas programme was held in 23 places in which 2816 people heard the Good News of Christ . 84 blankets were distributed to the poor & street dwellers .
Bhenibai and Karan got a job . Kamtha family came back to the fold . 10 new contacts were established at Patheria area . Rashmi was blessed with a boy baby after six years .
3 people have made public commitment to the Lord .
Missionary Daniel Masih has moved to Bijawar , a new area . Pray for God ' s guidance .
Healing - Kamalesh ( Hydrocele ); Anugarh ( Pneumonia ); Sudhir ( Back pain ); Dhilip ( Tumour behind his ears ); Gijenthar ( Tumour in throat ); Meena ( Lung infection ); K . L . Masih ( Heart problem ); Bheni ( Leg pain ); Dharmendar & Anuragh ( Mental illness ); Sakunthala ( Breathing problem ); Saratha ( Nerve weakness ); Babusingh ( Kidney failure ); Bheetham ( Cancer ); Suganthini ( Spondilitis ) and Santhosh ( Dog bite ).
Sumitra , Panchi , Sweety , Anvisha , Akile , Susil , Neetal , Kiranthi & Bhookalli to have children .
Govind , Dhanu and Anil to get a job .
For suitable life partner - Bhooram , Karishma , Kalpana , Kalley , Rathiram , Umesh , Govind , Raja , Raju , Prayuth , Sheena , Pallak , Suguna and Babu .
Salvation - Rathiram , Umesh and Payal .
For the believers in a village who are under
* 2018 *
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