BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing English E-magazine Aug 2019 | Page 3

dependence on the Holy Spirit is seen in his unassailable defence before the council: "We ought to obey God rather than men... We are His witnesses, and so also is the Holy Spirit" (Acts 5:29,32). Satan will not peaceably surrender his captives. Missionary work is a spiritual warfare. As the beautiful feet march with the shoes of the gospel towards the enemy's territory, all the fury of the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness will be turned against them (Eph 6:12,15). Satan will have his agents like Elymas to hypnotically influence the hearers of the gospel through sorcery, false prophecy and the like. Only when the witnesses are "filled with the Holy Spirit" can they confront the formidable enemy and set the captives free (Acts 13:6-10; Isa 61:1). The Bible encourages us to "desire spiritual gifts" (1 Cor 14:1). The first list of gifts in the New Testament is given in the context of evangelism (Mk 16:15-18). Of the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:7-10), the word of wisdom (Acts 15:13-21), the word of knowledge (Acts 8:23), faith (Acts 28:3-6), gifts of healings (Acts 9:ee-35), working of miracles (Acts 14:3), and discerning of spirits (Acts 16:16-18) are the most essential to missionary evangelism. God is more than willing to bestow these gifts on us when we ask Him (Mt 7:11). Will the Lord of Armies be slack in equipping His soldiers before sending them to the battlefront? 3. He directs us to GO As per the Great Commission we are to go everywhere preaching the gospel to everyone. But the condition of one field differs from the other. Some fields are yet to be ploughed. Some other fields are ready for sowing. And there are fields already ripe for harvest. So also the gifts and calling of God vary from missionary to missionary. Some workers are efficient in ploughing, whereas others excel in sowing or reaping (Jn 4:37,38; 1 Cor 3:5-7). The Holy spirit as the Chief Executive of missionary work decides WHO, WHERE and WHEN. In His sovereignty He can change the course and the candidates. Blessed are the flexible; for they shall not be broken! The Book of Acts is the textbook on missions. It teaches us through examples how we can be successful in missionary outreach if we follow the voice of the Holy Spirit. The following three incidents are illustrative. Evangelist Philip was conducting a glorious healing campaign in Samaria (Acts 8:5-7). This was the talk of the town (v 8). Huge crowds were thronging to hear him and see the miracles. People were baptized in water and getting filled with the Holy Spirit (vv 16,17). In the midst of such a hectic programme and an arduous ministry to thousands, the Holy Spirit directed Philip to go to the desert of Gaza to minister to just one individual! (vv 26,29). This may not appeal to human logic, but the Heavenly Wind blows where it wishes! Those born of the Spirit must yield themselves to be borne by the Spirit! (Jn 3:8). Simon Peter was vacationing with Simon the tanner enjoying the sea breeze and spending time in prayer (Acts 9:43; 10:5,6,9). He would have least expected a missionary call from the gentile world at that hour. He was a biased Jew. But "the Spirit said to him, Behold, three men are seeking you. Arise and go, doubting nothing; for I have sent them" (Acts 10:19,20; 11:12a). Basically Peter was called to be an apostle to the Jews (Gal 2:7,8). He had no personal liking for the non-Jews either. But because Christ in the first instance had given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter, the Holy Spirit urged Peter to inaugurate the gentile ministry (Mt 16:16,19). Sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit is indispensable to fulfil God's missionary programme. Paul and Barnabas were two among the five prophets and teachers in the Church at Antioch. The disciples of this Church were the ones to be first called Christians (Acts 11:26; 13:1). Though Paul and Barnabas would have been such a blessing to this local Church, the Holy Spirit spoke to the other leaders to release them for the translocal missionary work (Acts 13:2). The Holy Spirit was so actively operating in this enterprise that it is recorded that these two men were "sent out by the Holy Spirit" even though it was apparently the other leaders who sent them forth (Compare v 3 and v 4). Which Church does release its August 2019| | page 03