BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing EmagazineDecember 2017 | Page 4

December 2017 son. She wrapped him in swaddling cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn"(Lk 2:7). Our Nativity Plays always show a good Innkeeper who let Mary and Joseph use his cattle shed. We don't know if he was a regular innkeeper or some kind of a Bethlehem resident who gave his stable for the use of the weary couple. In either case, his action has been recorded for history. That brings up another facet of ministry hospitality. host is a blessing to many and an important ministry. Let us recognize those who are sensitive to others' needs and express their love to the Lord by keeping their homes open. Preaching and Pondering The spotlight now moves to the fields outside Bethlehem. As soon as the shepherds are given the Good News, they go into the village, find the baby and tell Mary all that happened. Then, as the first missionaries, they go and "spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child"(Lk 2:17). While the shepherds were busy telling the Good News to people, "Mary treasured up all the