BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing EmagazineDecember 2017 | Page 2

December 2017 Christmas Celebrating Diversity Mrs. Haema Henry, Chennai Christmas is widely perceived as a celebration that involves snow, gifts, decorated evergreen trees, parties and so on. The truth is, many of us celebrating Christmas have never, ever seen snow! Christmas is celebrated in so many diverse, culture-specific ways around the globe and we naturally get upset over this irreligious stereotyping. big, some small. Some needed to talk. Some had to stay quiet. Some were visible and noticeable. Others were inconspicuous. The only common factor was that they had to OBEY. They had to say YES. Yes to different jobs, different responsibilities. However, they were diverse roles requiring different actions. While we disapprove of this stereotyping, sometimes, we Christians are guilty of the same mind set. Some of us feel that Christmas should be celebrated in a sobre manner, and complain that those who have flashy celebrations are not 'good Christians.' Going beyond Christmas, we tend to believe that ministry should be done in one particular way, that our way of worship is the only acceptable way, our church doctrine is the only one to get us to heaven, and so on. We find it difficult to appreciate ministries which operate in a manner completely different from ours. We worship a God who has created each individual uniquely. Having created us uniquely, He has placed us in different cultures and environments. So, the way we minister or worship may be entirely different from another, and yet, each of us sould be doing exactly what God intended for us. Spotlights and Backdrops Let us look at the different individuals whom God had picked for various roles in the Christmas narrative that unfolded two millennia ago. Each of them was given a particular responsibility. Some roles were Luke begins his narration of the events surrounding the first Christmas with the account of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Their service involved being faithful through years of barrenness and the associated pain. They come into the spotlight with the events of Luke 1, and then just retreat into the backdrop, having to raise their God given son in the way they were asked to. Raising a child, who would be a mighty servant of God, may be the great responsibility given to a certain believing couple. It is easy for us, who are active with various ministries to say that the couple do |PAGE 2|