BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing Emagazine English July 2019 | Page 13

PAGE 13 JULY 2019 || FIELD FRAGRANCE! Assam Pray Praise Healing - Simon (Leg injury) and (Stomach ulcer). Missionary SarithaSomasundaram shared the Word of God in Panigaon Baptist Church and IswarPrem Baptist Church. 300 were blessed. Masru Sahil and Jeyanthi to be delivered from evil spirit Karnataka A Bible Study is started among the Air Force Staff. 10 are being blessed. Praise 24 attended the one day Bible Study Programme. 31 people confessed their faith publicly. 80 participated in the Seekers Meet. Missionary Jagadeesh shared the Good News. 17 youth attended Students Missionary Program and were challenged. 4 obeyed the Lord. 500 patients were treated in the Medical Camp. 15 families were blessed in the Family Seminar. Missionaries Manivannan and Ruth were the resource persons. Pray 340 believers fasted and prayed for 3 days. Salvation - Birasan, Hematho, Baba, Bironsi, Sornavathi, Airtopo, Sitaram, Rohit, Rokom, Baskar, Sandha, Jeevoni,Monika, Babul, Vikram, Bismo, Suseela and Dalmi. 20 people visited our fields and encouraged the missionaries. For the backslidden believers - Pradip, Athraki, Jacob, Birasan, Medini, Sunil, Banikanta, Lambari and Nityananda. Jyothi conceived after 6 years. 840 children attended VBS in 16 places. Irappa was healed from Kidney stone. 120 were restored in the Revival Meet. Suitable life partner - Ranjit, Hem, Chitramoni, Ruban, Jothi, Prathab, Chitrasen, and Hemanto. 18 heard the Good News. Gujarat A Youth Prayer Cell has been started. Praise Pray 90 youth were edified in the 3 days Discipleship Training Camp. Believers are facing opposition in their village. Vasantha and Chandra were delivered from evil spirit. Anita to be blessed with a child. 2 new contacts were established. Suitable life partner for Anand, Mahantesh, Harish, Savitri, Sangeetha and Renuka. Gouramma to be healed from Cancer.