BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing e magazine May 2019 | Page 7
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life” 10:11.
“Wisdom is found in the lips of him who has
understanding” 10:13.
Paul exhorts Timothy, “Hold fast the pattern of
sound words” (2Tim 1:13). God created everything
through His Word. We can create our own world - good
or bad by our words. So, watch your words.
Watch your Actions
'Action speaks louder than words' is not a new
saying. Apostle Paul says, “I disciplined my body and
bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to
others, I myself should not become disqualified” (1Cor
9:27). Leading such an exemplary life, while testifying
to the Ephesian elders, the first thing he spoke was,
“You know, from the first day that I came to Asia, in
what manner I always lived among you” (Act 20:18).
Again he says in verse 35, “I have shown you in every
way”, referring to his life in action.
Paul followed the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Jesus had told the Jews that they should not do what the
Pharisees do, but to do what they ask them to do. Paul
imitated Christ's actions as we read in 1Cor 11:1, 23;
15:3; Gal 1:11, 12; 1Thes 1:6; 4:2. Peter and John too
imitated Christ (1 Pet 2:21; 1Jn 1:1, 5). How much
more should we to follow our Lord! King Solomon
warns his son to keep a watch on his heart with
diligence; mouth from deceit; lips from perverseness,
eyes from crookedness and feet from evil ways (Pro
4:23-27). Should we not be role models to the future
generation? Let us watch ourselves before others
watch us.
Watch your Thoughts
Thoughts are unwieldy, so they need to be
harnessed. All that we speak or do springs up from the
mind which is the seat of thoughts. A Christian has the
mind of Christ (1Cor 2:16). Our responsibility is to
update it by renewing it by prayer and Word that
transforms us. Right? The devil doesn't like it lest we
conform to the image of the Lord, Christ. He tries to
keep us conformed to the world of lusts (Rom 12:2; 1Jn
There are two ways our thoughts can be
diverted by the Enemy. One is by pushing us into sinful
and sensual things and the other is by pulling us away
from spiritual exercises. To overcome this, we need the
help of the Holy Spirit. He alone can help us bring
every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
The antidote for straying thoughts is in Phil 4:8,
“Whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of
good report, good virtue and praise worthy, think on
May 2019 |
these things.”
Watch your Character
Dr. Billy Graham said, “When wealth is lost,
nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost;
when character is lost, everything is lost”. How true it
is in Joseph! He lost his coat, the only wealth. He never
bothered about it. He labored in the pastures, prison
and palace. He didn't complain over his physical
hardship. But he was looking forward for the
fulfillment of the dreams the Lord gave him. He took
care of his character. Joseph's story challenges young
people of every generation. His character of
faithfulness to God and man is expressed in his
willingness to forgive those who had hurt him. Myriad
of things in his life teaches us great lessons on
Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, “Flee also from
youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love,
peace with those who call on the Lord with a pure
heart” (2Tim 2:22).
Watch your Heart
Our heart belongs to the Lord. But the
first man failed. The devil told him a lie that he could be
like God. Thus God was dethroned from the heart of
man. As years rolled by, it became desperately wicked
(Jer 17:9). Anything that takes the place of God in our
lives is an idol. God told prophet Ezekiel about
Israelites, “Son of man, these men have set up their
idols on their hearts” (14:3,4,7).
Sin of idolatry prevailed among them right from
the time the nation was called out from Egypt. Idolatry
is such a stubborn sin that our hearts can become stony,
be it our selfishness, desires, addictions or whatever.
But in the same book of Ezekiel, God promises that He
would restore a heart of flesh in place of stone. What a
loving God we have! If only we realize who God is,
and fathom His love towards us, we cannot but love the
Lord with all our heart. So, love God and watch your
I want to close with a poem by Margret
Watch your thoughts, for they become words;
Watch your words, for they become actions;
Watch your actions, for they become habits;
Watch your habits, for they become character.