BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing e magazine May 2019 | Página 2

Page 2 May 2019 | The Full Blessing Of Pentecost Andrew Murray Jesus said: “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth” (John 14:15-17). Let us see how the blessing of Pentecost was for the first time given from heaven. What was the disposition of heart that fitted the disciples for receiving the Spirit? Then we shall know for all coming time what remains to be done by ourselves to enjoy the same blessing. The first disciples serve us as examples and forerunners on the way to the fullness of the Spirit. What was there in them which enabled them to become the recipients of these heavenly gifts and made them fit objects of the unspeakable grace that in them first of all the Three-One God came to take up His abode? The right answer to this question will help us not a little on the way to be filled with the Holy Spirit. What do we find in these first disciples? In the first place, there is the fact that they were deeply attached to the Lord Jesus The Son of God came into the world in order to unite the divine life which He had with the Father with the life of man, and thus to secure that the life of God should penetrate into the life of the creature. When He had completed the work in His own person by His obedience, and death, and resurrection, He was exalted to the throne of God on high. This was in order that in spiritual power in the might of the all- penetrating sovereign presence of God, His disciples and His Church might participate in His very own life. We read that the Holy Spirit “was not yet given” because Jesus was not yet glorified (John 7:39). It was only after His glorification that the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of Godhead, united with manhood. Only then could the Spirit of the complete indwelling of God in man be given. It is the Spirit of the glorified Jesus that the disciples received on the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of the Head, penetrating all the members of His body. It is evident without proof that if the fullness of the Spirit thus dwells in Jesus, a personal relationship to Him is the first condition for the reception of the full gift of the Comforter. It was to attain this end that the Lord Jesus throughout all His three years' work on earth kept the disciples in such close converse with Himself. He desired to attach them to Himself. He wanted them to feel themselves truly one with Him. He wanted them to identify themselves with Him as far as this was possible. By knowledge and fellowship, by love and obedience, they became inwardly knit to Him. This was the preparation for participating in the Spirit of His glorification. The lesson that is here taught us is indeed extremely simple, but it is one of profound significance. There are not a few Christians who believe in the Lord and are very zealous in His service, who eagerly desire to become holy and who yet do not succeed in their endeavor. It seems oftentimes as if they could not understand the promise of the Spirit. The thought of being filled with the Spirit exercises but little influence upon them. The reason is obvious. There is lacking in their religion that personal relationship to the Lord Jesus. They have not that inward attachment to Him, that perfectly natural reference to Him as the best and nearest Friend, as the beloved Lord, which was so characteristic of the disciples. This, however, is