BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing e magazine May 2019 | Page 13

Page 13 riverside for prayer in Philippi. Paul and his companions knew this place of prayer and so they went and spoke to the women gathered there. One woman by name Lydia responded to the message that she and the members of her household were baptized (Acts 16:13-15). She took the team to her house and later on, her house became a church. Remember that there were no church buildings in those days (Rom 16:5). Small groups can be places for people to receive special spiritual experiences. You never know who will be touched by what and when. Lydia was the first European convert and through her the gospel travelled to another continent. Who knows what they were praying for? They longed for God, and to keep the flames alive, were gathering regularly and praying. God honored their faith and not only blessed them but blessed others through them. There can be no better example of the dynamism of a small group than this little flock through which the Good News crossed the continents. May 2019 | Remember, the small group is not a substitute for the local church. It should not be the motive of a small group to expand into a church and draw members from other churches. If the number increases, split into two or three groups and gather separately. However, the members of a small group may come from various churches. Sing a song, worship and meditate a scripture portion briefly for 10 to 15 minutes. Each one can take turns to share. Allot maximum time for prayer. Pray for one subject each day. One day you can pray for the country, another day for a Mission or students' ministry, spiritual leaders, revival, world evangelization, etc. You may also include personal prayer requests. The advantages of small groups Notice that the end result of all the four small groups that we meditated was evangelisation. At least once a week you should involve yourself in neighbourhood evangelism. Don't be waiting for invitation. Just go knocking at doors. We are not doing God a big favour by serving Him. Rather, He honours us by allowing us to serve Him. As compared to large gatherings, small groups have following distinctive advantages: The Bible records an incident in which the Israelites went out to fight the Arameans: 1) Each one can have an intimate fellowship with the other. “The Israelites camped opposite them like two small flocks of goats, while the Arameans covered the countryside” (1Ki 20:27). Yet the Israelites overpowered the Arameans. 2) Oneness is much easier in small groups. 3) Individuals receive better attention and training in small groups. 4)Both the shortcomings and gifts of individuals go unnoticed in large groups. 5) Questions of seekers and growing believers go unanswered in large groups. How to start? Wherever you may be, get in touch with one or two Christians close by who can join with you for a short time of Bible meditation and prayer daily. If you are students, you can gather in a hostel room. If you are housewives, you can get together after the children go to School, in the afternoon. If you are working in an office, you can profitably use your lunch hour. You may appear insignificant in your own eyes especially when you see the teeming millions around you held by the power of darkness. But remember, it is the Father's good pleasure to give the Kingdom to the little flock. So fear not, little flock! Go ahead. The Lord will accomplish great things through you! (Taken from the book “Showers of Blessing” by Mr. A. Lionel)