BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing E-magazine March 2019 | Page 19
Blossoms in Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Andra
The day was January 13 when the flowers aged
between 16 to 25 from all over Tamil Nadu gathered in the
Sitheri Hills of Tamil Nadu. The registered students
numbered 1301 apart from scores of volunteers and other
leaders. Some participated with much interest, while some
others had come out of their parents' initiation. For all the
first-timers, the first day was a bit shocking and exciting.
The place, the forest, the auditorium, the crowd, all would
have left them mystified.
But as the sessions started, the flowers started to
receive the Heavenly dew. 75% of them committed their
lives to God following the message of salvation on the first
day. There was a session on victorious Christian living and
the Question and Answer session dealt with the practical
problems that the flowers faced. During the following day,
God poured out His Holy Spirit and the participants were
anointed by Him. 93 obeyed the Lord in baptism.
The field trip was an unforgettable one. The
participants traveled to the interiors and had a foretaste
of the Mission field. During evening, the life of Dr. Ida
Scudder became a living reality on the stage. Following
the call for full time missionary work, 157 people
committed their life to God. As the 3 day camp came to a
close, 127 decided to start a prayer cell in their locality.
The resource persons were Mrs. Sophia Godfrey,
Mrs.Lalitha Benedict, Mrs. Baby Raja, Mrs.Shyla
Immanuel, Mrs.Minville Sapphire, Mrs. Emerald
Isaiah, Mrs. Angel Oswald, Mrs.Mahiba Victor,
missionaries PremalathaChezhian&Bercy Jason.
Literature worth Rs. 1,50,000/- were sold during the
camp. All Glory to Him!
missionaries PremalathaChezhian&Bercy Jason.
Literature worth Rs. 1,50,000/- were sold during the
camp. All Glory to Him!
AROMA was held for the first time in our Dhanpur
Campus from 2nd evening to 5th noon January 2019.
Although it was organized when the schools reopened,
182 participated from 4 districts. All the messages were
timely and based on the theme, “Dare to be Different.”
Women missionaries of Odisha enacted a drama on Dr. Ida
Scudder which impacted everyone. The Question &
Answer session was practical & fruitful. 75 were filled
with the Holy Spirit. 39 committed to start youth prayer
cells in their places. 8 committed for full time. The
resource persons were Sis. Jemimah Alex, missionaries
PremalathaChezhian&Bercy Jason. Thank God for His
AROMA was organised in Andhra during 14-16,
January 2019. 210 girls, 20 staff & volunteers, 8 resource
people made the event, a colourful one. More than 50%
girls witnessed that this programme enhanced their
spiritual life. 80 girls decided to have systematic Bible
reading, 40 decided to do Gospel work, 10 have committed
for full time ministry. The resource persons were
Mrs.Tabitha, Mrs.Anita, Dr. Madhulata, Mrs. Beulah,
Mrs.Kala, Dr. Manonmani, missionaries MalliRamana
and SuganthiniSaravannan. Praise God!
Blessing March 2019 | | Page 19