BYM ONLINE DESK Blessing E-magazine March 2019 | Page 16

·Ganapathy was delivered from alcohol addiction. ·Jitendra & Mahendra were delivered from evil spirit. ·Govindappa's son was healed from stomach tumour. ·3 people consecrated their lives to God. ·22 new believers have started to attend Church. · 6 new villages were visited. Pray · Healing: Susila (Typhoid); Vinoth (Kidney stones); Suvarna, Gangu & Bageerathi (Arthritis); Nissi (3 month old baby suffering from convulsions); Basavaraj (Shoulder pain); Missionary R S Pawar's sister Somakka (Cancer) and Narayan (Unable to see). Sweety, Shalu, Sumitra, Elina, Neetal Ali, Paridhi, Neelish, Priyanka, Rethu, Kamakshi, Akhansha and Sweta. ·Balram, Nandkumar, Akhansha, Arpit Morvin, Balchand, Ankit and Gajbhiye to get a good job. ·Manmohan to be delivered from alcohol addiction. ·Ramabai & Shivani to be delivered from evil spirit. ·Missionary Betibai lost her mother. Pray for the bereaved family members. ·For Salvation: Prakash, Munna family; Shiv Prasad family, Ganesh, Parvathi, Jamuna Babu, Janakirani, Kiran family, Prahalath family, Sorab family, Sandeep family, Ghoduram family, Ramprasath, Sunil Kumar, Abinav. ·For the new contacts that they might be saved - Krishna, Subba, Thaddaraya, Lurtha, Ganga, Lalitha, Jujubai, Ravi, Vidhyanand, Thurgappa, Sanjal, Yellappa, Narayan, Hanumanthappa, Manju, and Renuka. ·For Healing: Mahima (Head injury); Daniel and Ajay William (Kidney failure); Minakshi David (Weak bones); Vimala & Mariyam (Bedridden due to old age); Susila (Uterus cancer); Rashmi(Gall bladder stone); Juhi (Hip bone fracture); Hariram (Leg fracture); Narender (Critical head injury); Vijay & Aarthi (Deaf & dumb) and Kalu (Paralysis). ·Caleb to be delivered from evil spirit. ·Kala, a problem creator to come to the Lord. ·For the 7 families which were ex- communicated from the village for their faith in Christ. ·For suitable life partner: Raja, Raju, Umesh, Banti, Prathap, Sandeep, Deepchand, Ashvin, Mayur Jha, Samuel, Abhishit, Aline Rose, Sonu, Ankita, Ashish, Bhijoi, Sanjana, Nirmesh, Rackshit, Mahima, Victoriya and Ashish. ·For suitable life partner: Shivrudrappa, Pushpa, Deepa, Akshata, Babu, Nagaraj, Maruti, Manjula and Sachin Sarikar. · Safe delivery for Sharon Srikanth. MADHYA PRADESH Praise ·Missionary family Teresa & Selwyn are shifting from Vasai (Maharashtra) to Sagar (Madhya Pradesh). Pray for God's guidance. · Deendhayal was delivered from evil spirit. ·2 people were healed from scorpion bite and Mohini is able to walk. ·6 boys of other faith were blessed by Friends Tea Time programme. Pray · For blessing of the womb: Sunitha, MAHARASHTRA Praise · Blessing Church Anniversary function was held in Jath in which missionary Ramanathan shared the Word of God. ·A 3-day retreat for Maharashtra staff was organized in Gargoti. Senior missionary Mr. Y. Paul Dinakaran shared the Word of God Blessing March 2019 | | Page 16