BYM ONLINE DESK August 2018 English Blessing E-magazine | Page 15
regions [Jerusalem to Illyricum], and since I have been longing for many years to see you
[in Rome], I plan to do so when I go to Spain” (Rom. 15:23-24).
Paul goes on in that chapter to explain his itinerary. In his mind, he could visualize
every major city where he would stop on his way to Rome. He longed eventually to win
the people of that capital city to Christ. But beyond that, his ultimate goal was to reach
Spain the western limit of the empire.
Notice the apostle used strategic thinking to fulfill his ministry. He didn't consider it
carnal or beneath his dignity to plan strategically. Instead, he used it as a tool to more
effectively reach the masses.
Of course, we must recognize God's role in our planning. Psalm 127:1 reminds us,
“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain”no matter how nice a job the
architect did on the blueprints. Our planning is never intended to replace God's sovereign
leading in our lives.
This is an exciting concept to me. On the one hand, God intends for us to use logical,
strategic planning in fulfilling the Great Commission. But on the other hand, God can
redirect our plans when necessary. One doesn't necessarily cancel out the need for the
other. Do you have dreams and plans of what God might do through your life? Or are you
just busy with life's routine, ordinary tasks? Have you become bored. . . or boring?
The Lord Jesus Christ challenges us to abandon our complacency when He says that
we can do even greater things than He has done through His Spirit, who dwells in us. He
doesn't intend for us to sit idly and dream of what could happen for His glory. He wants us
to plan great plans so that dreams can come true!
William Carey upset the status quo of the church in his day when he proposed
sending missionaries from Britain to evangelize other parts of the world. Older Christians
told him to give up his preposterous ideas. Carey countered their boredom and doubt by
writing, “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.” That statement
became the creed of the modern missions movement as men and women followed Carey's
example and went to the ends of the earth with the saving message of Christ's gospel. Like
Carey, God wants us to attempt great things for Him to reach our generation.
Are you expecting great things from God? Or are you letting the opportunities pass
you by? If the Lord wants the gospel preached worldwideand He doesthen we can't
remain passive. Whatever our gifts or abilities or resources, we must work together as
faithful stewards of what God has given us.
Dream a little. Envision the 4 billion people who have not accepted the gospel in this
generation. Many have not even heard it explained to them. What are you going to do
about it?
Start doing something by making specific plans of action. Determine how God
could use you to share Christ at work, at school, in your neighborhoodand beyond.
Are you willing to gain a vision of what God could do through you to win others to Himself? After
all, God doesn't have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C for evangelizing the world. He has only one
planand that's you and me.
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