APRIL 2017
Second Command
“Stay Here and Watch with Me”
(Matt 26:38)
After leaving the eight apostles at a
distance, the Lord took Peter, John and James
to a secluded spot in the garden. He
commanded His most intimate friends to stay
and watch with Him.
In contemplating His
approaching Passion, the Redeemer of the
world was troubled beyond measure and made
this personal request to his band of inner circle.
He solicited their attendance and company at
the time of His utmost need. He wanted them to
share His grief.
We have to sympathise with our suffering
dear ones and comfort them in times of crisis.
Man was not created to live for himself. Jesus
taught his disciples, a lesson of sympathy. It is
a duty that we all owe each other. As true
brothers and sisters we are called to stay with
the suffering ones. Let us put into practise the
following scripture, “A friend loves at all times
and a brother is born for adversity” (Prov
Third Command
“Watch and Pray”
(Matt 26:41)
It is evident that the Lord had undergone
intense agony for at least an hour. On His
return, He found His senior apostles sleeping!
Jesus admonished them to watch and pray so
that they may not be tempted. Jesus regarded
temptation as a 'snare.' It is laid by our
adversary in our path. The Christian life is a
walk and we have to walk carefully lest we fall
into Satan's snare. And for this purpose we
need spiritual weapons, even the weapon of
prayer. Jesus instantly urged them to use the
means which He was using in His own life.
Jesus commanded them to pray!
In St. Mark's account of this incident, we
see that this command was mainly addressed
to only Peter (Mk 14:37).
understanding the ultimate importance of this
command, Peter exhorted in his first epistle to
“watch unto prayer” (I Pet 4:7). Jesus knew for
sure that His disciples who were near Him were
near to the fiery furnace of trials and
He knew well the spiritual
dangers to which they were exposed. He knew
that it would be necessary for them to be ever
watchful and vigilant, lest they walk unawares
into temptation. And events that happened in
the life of Peter and other disciples proved that,
there was good reason for Jesus' stern warning.
As a man, Jesus can sympathise with us
and as God, He can comfort and help us. If we
stay with Him in times of sorrow, He will turn all
our trials and troubles into great triumphs,
offering comfort and peace. What a great
opportunity that the three disciples had to stay
with the suffering Saviour!
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