BYM ONLINE DESK April 2017 | Page 14

APRIL 2017
Church Profile - 17
History of Kandwa Church , Madhya Pradesh for prayer . We also started reaching out to 10 nearby villages . As the congregation grew we felt the need for a Church building . Missionary Stephen Jeyaraj was instrumental in purchasing a land for the construction of the Church and missionary Paul David took the responsibility of the construction works . In the year 2009 , the Church was dedicated for the glory of God .
The Gospel started to spread to the nearby areas as well . Now , thrice in a year all the believers gather here during Christmas , Easter and for the Believers ' Retreat . During these occasions , around 200 people come from the nearby villages .
Kandwa is a small village located in Madya Pradesh . It is a very dry place with less water facilities . People here are mostly daily wagers . Many of them are involved in beedi-making ( cigar-making ) which fetches them paltry amounts . Though there are various Government schemes for such people , it remains elusive to them due to illiteracy . The per capita income as well as the literacy rate remain very low . Only now we can find students from these areas studying up to Higher Secondary level .
It was in the year 2002 , pioneering missionaries of Blessing Youth Mission visited this area . They saw that the people were in need of both spiritual and economical help . They were very much burdened about the village . Missionary Vinayagam David visited them regularly and had Gospel film shown in that region . The response was not very much encouraging . Only a few welcomed our missionaries . But they labored consistently . Finally by the grace of God , 5 people came forward to confess their faith . It was a great joy for the missionaries .
Gradually around 50 believers gathered
Later on , we felt that the women in this area needed skills so that they can have additional income for their livelihood . We were able to start a ' Tailoring Centre ' for the women of this area . Presently 12 girls are being blessed through this initiative . Since there was also a need for medical help , we conducted medical camps . Teams from Tamil Nadu came here and treated the needy patients .
Apart from worship services , we are conducting Elders Training , Fasting Prayers , Youth Meetings , Seekers ' Meetings and Believers ' Retreat in Kandwa . Pray that God should bless all these efforts . From this small village , two members committed themselves as full time missionaries and are ministering now . Pray that God should raise many more people like them .
Though we could plant a church in this dry area , we are still praying for a big harvest . Presently missionaries Hariram and Kamlesh are stationed here along with their families . Pray that God should use them mightily .
“ The harvest is plentiful , but the laborers are few . Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest ” ( Luke 10:2 ).


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