BWS issue 34 July August 2015 | Page 13

profiles designs, and provide a grant and advice on setting up a website. This led to a partnership with Annan company, Creatomatic, which has enhanced the e-commerce side of the business including promoting international sales. As a result FitSip is now on sale in thirty-four different countries with distributors in France, Norway, Denmark and Brazil; and the international market accounts for over fifty per cent of sales. The expansion of the overseas market is something Christine and Belinda are keen to build on and they are currently in talks with several potential partners. Throughout this journey, Belinda says that working together with Christine has been crucial to their success. “It’s easier to have two people rather than one. When you’re on your own you might cry but if there are two of you, you might just laugh when something goes wrong!” n BUSINESS WOMEN SCOTLAND 11 Top Tips for Success 4 Don’t assume that everything will be easy or that it will go as planned. Be flexible and open-minded. 4 Allow far more time and money for prototyping than you think you’ll need. 4 Your idea will change and evolve through time, so accept this and go with the flow. 4 Think things through from the perspective of your customer or end user – this is the best place to start. 4 Ask for help – people are often happy to be asked for their advice. If you are considering growing your business Scottish Enterprise can offer you advice and support on everything from business strategy and finance to finding new markets and developing products and services. To find out more visit