Buzz Student Guide Buzz Student Guide 2013/14 | Page 15

DRINKING GAMES WHETHER YOU’RE WINDING-DOWN OR GOING WILD, DRINKING IS A HUGE PART OF STUDENT LIFE. IF YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A NEW WAY TO ENJOY A DRINK WITH YOUR MATES WHY NOT THROW IN SOME ORGANISED FUN AND GET ON THE DRINKING GAMES. pic: BEN SUTHERLAND There is nothing better than having a laugh with your mates and getting a drink inside you. The quickest way to do both of these things is to play a drinking game....or three. We have picked some of the best drinking games that will have you rolling round on the floor as a result of both laughing too hard and drinking too much. Drink responsibly and avoid being in photos that could later be used for public shaming via facebook. RING OF FIRE Of course this has to be on the list, and if you are a student and you haven’t at least heard of it then shame on you. You can be forgiven, however, if you aren’t entirely familiar with the rules. As ring of fire is one of those games where the rules change from person to person it is definitely recommended to choose your policy at the start and stick to it. In fact it is best to write them down and have the rules in front of you throughout the night; otherwise you are likely to forget. A deck of cards is spread out into a ring shape around a pint glass, with the cards overlapping slightly. You take turns picking a card, which each represents a different rule. One rule is that every time a King shows up the card holder must pour some of their drink of choice into the ring of fire glass, and the unlucky soul who picks up the last king must down the dirty pint. A full list of the rules can be found on the internet within seconds. I, CLAUDIUS. YOU, DRINK Simple yet lethal, depending on whom ‘Claudius’ is. This person has The Power, and can demand any person in the room to chug their entire drink. The best person to be ‘Claudius’ would be someone who is ruthless and brutal in equal measures. Good luck. NEVER HAVE I EVER This game is a perfect ice breaker with those who don’t know each other that well. You simply take in turns to start a sentence with ‘Never Have I Ever...’ and if you have done it then you have to drink. For example if someone says ‘Never have I ever fancied someone in this room’ and there is a particularly hot individual sat opposite you then pick up that drink (and hope they drink too). The idea is that the statements get more risqué as everyone gets more and more drunk, and people get to know each other perhaps a little too well! LUCY ROGERS Buzz 015