Skill-Teams Summaries
Safety : The safety team is working on taking inventory of all the first-aid supplies they have , via an online spreadsheet . The students are also trying to see what other safety supplies they need to get to keep our team safe and well prepared throughout the last few weeks of preparation before the new season .
Electrical : The electrical team is learning electrical basics such as different motors and what they are used for , different electrical components , pneumatics , and how to solder . They are learning how to do this so that they are prepared to wire and plumb the robot when it comes to build season .
CAD : The CAD team began with understanding how to use Solidworks , our 3D modeling software , and initiated a designing challenge for different robot mechanisms from previous games . Additionally the CAD team has worked on fixing some minor issues with our two 3D printers , Romeo and Wall-E .
Issue 1 : December 2022 PAGE 7