Buzz Robotics BuzzPreseasonNews2023 | Página 2


Recruitment : To try to recruit new members this year , we started off by presenting Davis , our 2022 robot , at the 8th Grade Step Up day . We followed this up by holding an Eagle Block meeting at the beginning of the school year as well as having a table at lunch in our school ’ s cafeteria in order to further promote the team .
Ice Breakers : To encourage team building , communication , and a healthy work environment , Buzz Robotics spent two weekly meetings doing fun icebreakers . This year , the icebreakers included a set of challenges revolving around building a structure with pipe cleaners . This activity encouraged team work as students were placed into randomly selected teams to build the tallest standing structure with challenges along the way . We also did a puzzle scramble challenge in three teams .
Shop Safety Training : Students learned about the dangers that can come in the shop and how to properly use the materials and machines in a safe manner . Students reviewed the procedure in case of an emergency in the shop and how to handle it .
Issue 1 : December 2022 PAGE 2