Buzz Magazine Dec/Jan 2013/14 | Page 15

DOCTOR WHAT? Alistair Corless talks about some facts you might not have known about the Doctor. Alien director Ridley Scott almost designed the Daleks, before leaving the BBC to work for Granada and train as a director. The show employed the BBC’s ?rst ever female producer, Verity Lambert. Stephen Fry once wrote a script for the series. It was never used as it was deemed too complicated. Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who and was originally used as a code name to keep the series tapes for the revived Doctor Who in 2005 a secret. Doctor Who has changed the English language with both ‘Dalek’ and ‘Tardis’ entering the Oxford English Dictionary. The Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi, was a teenage super-fan and wrote many angry letters to the Of?cial Doctor Who Fan Club about why he lost out on becoming president of the club. Michael Jackson almost played the Doctor in a planned Hollywood ?lm version in the 1980s. Tardis illustration: www. BUZZ 15