Buzz Magazine August 2013 | Page 46

education education education

Summer holidays don ’ t last forever , and before long you ’ ll be back at your school desk wondering what in the world you ’ ll be doing next . Whether you ’ re after vocational or academic study , South Wales boasts a great range of college and university education centres to satiate inquisitive minds . In this education feature we ’ ve rounded up some of the best options in South Wales as you move forward into the future . colleges www . careerswales . com Careers advice for students , school leavers and adults in Wales .

CARDIFF AND VALE COLLEGE Description : Providing a comprehensive range of courses through a range of different locations , Cardiff And Vale College is a centre for both academic and vocational study . Courses are available for anyone from teenagers to adults looking to develop new skills , whilst e-courses are also available for those maintaining full-time jobs . Example courses : Anything and everything from brickwork to art and design , hairdressing , professional cookery , accountancy , carpentry , plumbing and human physiology and health . Take a look at their website for a comprehensive list of courses . Open days : Consult their website for the latest information on forthcoming open days .
Contact : 03030 301010 / info @ cavc . ac . uk www . cavc . ac . uk
BRIDGEND COLLEGE Description : Over five neighbouring campuses , Bridgend College offers an outstanding selection of vocational courses for over 1,000 teenage and mature students . An award-winning college with a raft of qualifying awards and a fantastic range of facilities , Bridgend College has received £ 11m of recent investment to help the college develop and expand . Part-time and full-time study is available , and students can attain anything from a foundation degree to top-up degree , masters , postgraduate diploma or higher national diploma . Example courses : Forensic science , engineering , business studies and management , performance studies , horticulture , construction and animal care Open days : Fri 16 Aug , Fri 23 Aug
Contact : 01656 302302 / enquiries @ bridgend . ac . uk www . bridgend . ac . uk