I will have a variety of bag styles but mainly focusing on small leather goods, I will be styling small evening bags that will have a high level of attention to detail to them. The bottom of the bag will have a studded bottom with rock studs as well as corner stitching; the sole of the bag needs to have minimal stitching and studs because it will have a lot of detail from the personal writing. On the front of the bag, there will be a stitched leather tag, which will have ‘Fashion Threads’ engraved on it to showcase the brands recognition of the name.
The evening bags will be varied in styles, for instance there will be a collection of bags with a turn clasp and lock on the on the front of the bag, where the flap will be to open and close the bag. Other bag styles will be considered with a chain clip ring closure on the flap.
Hand held bags will have bamboo handles, this is an on trend style for the summer, by using this material it is showcasing sustainability and another innovative material.