Buying Marketing | Page 70

20th May 2018


Dear diary,

During the next 2 weeks I will be completing the finishing touches as well as documenting more about the research I have created into my Pathbrite, I would like to add more to my Pathbrite because I feel that there is not enough research tools that I have used yet. I still need to research more about sustainability so I can talk more about it and to do this I need to have a better knowledge about it. To complete my buying range I still need to complete the critical path, my critical is different to the template I have because I do not have a store and my products materials are all made in the United Kingdom, this means I did not need to go into a lot of depth into my critical path.

I wrote a short entry about how I chose my logo because this is what I struggled with at the beginning of the project but it turned out to be a good idea. As well as being a sustainable brand I also documented about the soles of my shoes as I have already created a document about my bag ideas. The soles materials was what I struggled with because I would find good materials, for instance wood and leather but I had to keep in mind, they had to come from the UK, be wearable as well as nothing too cheap or expensive, it had to be appropriate with my selling price and still making sure I would make a profit from it.