Buying Marketing | Page 57

19th February 2018


Dear diary,

After a few days of not knowing what I was going to do, I finally came up with the idea of creating customized bags and shoes; the sole of the product would be customized for the customer. To make my brand stand out and be able to be fit for everybody, I chose to create it as a sustainable brand, I did this because I wanted to research more about sustainability and how something is called sustainable but also wanted to challenge myself more, this means I have to look at what materials I am able to use. I also decided to have all of the products made in Britain; this made my research even harder to find factories that would be able to provide me with what I want.

We also went to Birmingham to see the trade show, 2 hours later after we were supposed to leave we finally got on the coach ready to leave. I did take photos for research however I didn’t find any inspiring for my project, at this point I thought I was going to be creating a shop so I used the different pop ups for that side of inspiration. Some places showcased a good amount of inspiration and I was able to take photos however other stores they just laid shoes out in their section and that were it. Although I did not like much of the area but it showed me how I did not want my store to look.