Buying Guide: Choosing the Best Kitchen Appliances for your Home Buying Guide - Choosing the Best Kitchen Appliance | Page 11

convection cooking, the heat is pretty evenly distributed throughout the oven, so rack placement becomes less of an issue. Yay! No more char marks on your wrists.  Sabbath Mode This sounds like some kind of religious rite you probably don't want to deal with, but that's not true at all. When an oven features a Sabbath Mode, it simply means the oven has a "hold" feature that keeps foods warm for an extended period of time. It's like those red lamps you see in restaurants that keep dishes toasty until the server has a chance to deliver them. If you need to hold dinner because your significant other is working late -- again -- this is a great feature that will save you a lot of hassles and dried-out meatloaf.  Glass Doors Being able to see your food cooking without having to open the oven door sounds like a small thing, but it's huge. When you include this amenity in your new oven, you'll save money on wasted energy because you'll be peeking less -- and letting hot air escape from the oven cavity. Admit it: You know you look more than you have to. Genuflecting in front of the oven for an eyes-on assessment of your bubbling mac-and-cheese isn't such a bad idea when all you have to do is look through the conveniently placed glass window. It may save you having to insist that the black crust on your apple pie is actually golden brown. If you've owned a glass-door oven before and thought it looked dirty despite your best effort to clean it, innovations in glass manufacture and glass door design are eliminating problems with clouding and stubborn, baked on grease. Glass cleaners designed for new generation glass stovetops are doing a better job of cutting grease and grime, too.  Timer and Delayed Start Features We think this is a great fallback feature. If you've ever set your oven timer and turned on the vacuum, the water or the TV, only to miss the buzzing long enough for your fish sticks to incinerate, you can appreciate the value of an oven that shuts itself off after the programmed cooking time has elapsed. Delayed start can be a nice feature, too. If you want that meatloaf mixed and ready to go before you take a nice relaxing bath but don't want to start the cook cycle for an hour or so, you can delay the oven start until it's more convenient for you. 6.0 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Kitchen Appliances Here, they share the top five appliance shopping mistakes to avoid.