Buy-side Perspectives Issue 16 | Page 15

K&KGC - K E Y F I N D I N G S F R O M T H E AT F s 1 ST H A L F 2 0 1 9 quants and innovate custom analytic solutions to meet their automation needs. K&KGC assisted the buy side at each regional ATF meeting in May, with aggregating their detailed consolidated wish list and priority of features for future fixed income TCA/ analytic solutions. There were more in-depth discussions on the ever- important details of which elements the fixed income dealing desk should contribute within the investment process. A major proportion of the value add of the trader incurs in the interaction with the investment team prior to the order. If you would like to learn more, don’t forget to attend the next ATF fixed income meetings in the autumn. Established in 2013 attended by buy-side heads of trading from: 40 firms €19.3 trillion in aUM 2020 SPONSORSHIP NOW OPEN [email protected] +44 (0)203 4113996 2019 - IN STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP WITH: