Buy-side Perspectives Issue 14 | Page 49

#Fearless Girl Why I believe the #Fearless Girl message is so important? When State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) placed the fearless girl on Wall Street in New York City in March 2017, their underlying message to inspire, promote and encourage more women in leadership and board level roles, encourage diversity and to contribute to the long-term value of a work place, resonated with me on many levels. I believe women do need to be more represented in the financial markets and whilst we are beginning to see the changes happening, it is through raising awareness such as the #fearless girl, that really sends a powerful message to not just the current generation of women, but more importantly, to the women of the future. I try to instil values to my 8 year daughter to work hard and strive with determination on the things that are important to her. To be confident, have self -belief and to maximise her potential. My motto at home is ‘Dream, believe and achieve’ – something I hope will engrain in her so that she can pass it down to her children and grandchildren. Thank you SSGA for promoting this important message – I would love to see the Fearless Girl in every city around the world to empower women everywhere. Winter 2018 49