Buy-side Perspectives Issue 14 Special edition | Page 21
K E Y F I N D I N G S F R O M T H E AT F s 2 ND H A L F 2 0 1 8
buyside are also implementing Smart Order Routers
(SOR) for fixed income.
The buyside are still waiting to hear of other buy-
side firms successfully using fixed income execution
management systems (EMS) for bond trading. This could
in the future potentially resolve some of the current
aggregation challenges for bond trading where the
buyside currently have to monitor multiple screens. In
addition to limited buy-side budgets, interoperability
challenges with legacy order management systems (OMS)
are slowing down the adoption of cutting-edge trading
resulted in an improved data quality but all regulatory
reporting efforts has not yet proven to deliver anything
valuable for more informed decision making. Better
enrichened market data is currently mainly available
through commercial data suppliers. Improved market
data is imperative for getting value out of transaction cost
analysis (TCA) systems. Another area that the buyside are
waiting to hear more success stories about.
Thank you to all the buy side who contributed to the ATF
autumn roadshow. See you on the 23 rd May.
Data and analysis
The electronification of the fixed income market may have