Restylane – The Best Beauty
Enhancement Product
• Restylane is an FDA-approved dermal filler made of a
biodegradable, non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid.
Essentially, it deals with most of the issues related to
chronological and photo aging.
• So, what issues exactlyis dermal filler Restylane indicated for?
o Dermal filler Restylane is indicated for treatment of medium-to-deep
lines and wrinkles, lips augmentation, volume enhancement in the
cheeks and cheekbones and facial contour restoration.
• How long doresults of a treatment with dermal filler Restylane
o Duration of the results varies with patients and depends on their
lifestyle and speed of their metabolism. Generally, results of treatment
with dermal filler Restylane last up to 6-9 months.