BUY BC BUSINESSES Business Buyer's Guide Vancouver Island Coastal Region Summer 2014 | Page 22
Entrepreneurs and small business are critical to the economic health and prosperity of our communities. From creating and maintaining jobs that support families, to producing goods and services, small
business is the engine driving British Columbia’s economy.
Small business accounts for 98% of all business in British Columbia
Of the 385,900 small businesses operating in the province in 2012, 82%
had fewer than five employees
In 2012, 26% of BC’s Gross Domestic Product was generated by small
business, compared to the national average of 25 percent
BC ranks first in the country for the number of small businesses per
capita, with 83.5 per 1,000 people
55% of private sector jobs in 2012 were provided by small businesses;
second highest in Canada
Small business employed over a million people in the province in 2012
Between 2011 and 2012, small business employment in BC grew by 0.4
percent, slightly faster than the national rate of 0.2 percent
In 2012, small business provided 31 percent of all wages paid to workers
in BC, the highest share of all provinces
The accommodation and food services industry was the largest provider
of new small business jobs in BC between 2007 and 2012. Employment
in this industry climbed 5.2 percent, creating approximately 4,600 new
jobs over the five year period
For a complete Small Business Profile and other information relating to small business, please visit: ǀ
Manufacturing Business Duncan $4,500,000
Well-established and internationally recognized
manufacturing business. The business manufactures
excavator mounted, hydraulic driven brush cutters /
mulchers, both rotary and horizontal types for land clearing,
power line right of way, road side maintenance, and forest
fire prevention equipment. Pro Mac is the largest edger
arbor manufacturer in North America supplying
replacement parts for sawmills and pulp mills.
Gerry Van Vaals, PREC DTZ Nanaimo
E. [email protected] T. 250.616.2155
Carlee Jahelka
E. [email protected] T. 250.616.1020
Hotel Duncan $4,950,000
Hotel For Sale. Flagged Best Western Full Service business
class hotel with 42+ rooms, totally renovated to award
winning Best Western Standards. Same family owned and
operated over 20 years. Excellent community relations,
repeat clientele, sports/business class operation. Renovated
pub, large banquet facilities, 100 seat restaurant, pool,
conferences rooms, with average occupancy +/- 80% on a
sustained basis, this hotel does very well. Plenty of business
at this location.
Jim Johnson or Jay Deleskie Coldwell Banker Slegg Realty
T. 250.756.9700 Toll Free. 866.664.3444